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Save with our cheap redemption loan

Do you currently have several credit liabilities with different financial institutions and have difficulty keeping track of them? We think there is a solution to your problem. With our flexible personal loan, you can pay off your current loans and combine them into one loan package. Thus, you not only reduce your interest liabilities, but also the homemade administrative chaos is a thing of the past.

An instalment loan means only one contact person

In addition to more favourable contractual conditions, the simplified handling of existing liabilities also plays a decisive role in the redemption of the loan. As a rule, it is easier to negotiate with a single financial institution than with several old creditors who have often already sent reminders. With our flexible, low-cost redemption loan, you not only combine several debts, but also relieve your household budget. Thus, you will save quite a bit of money every month.

Take advantage of the savings potential

In Switzerland, high interest payments are quite common in the credit business. If you are also affected by this, you should compare your existing loan and subsequently redeem them if necessary. If you are now worried about the change, your worries are unfounded - because we will take over the organisation process for you. The topic of "paying off your loan" thus becomes a piece of cake, because neither a gruelling mail traffic nor hour-long telephone calls will strain your nerves. All you have to do is apply for your online discharge loan with us and we will take care of everything else.

Reduce administrative burden

Among the advantages of a redemption loan, apart from the favourable conditions, is the reduction in the processing time you have to spend on managing your finances. If you also want to spend your free time on the finer things in life, you should consolidate your various liabilities into one effective instalment loan. The procedure is very simple: on our loan calculator you can calculate different loan variants for your installment loan or submit it online right away.


Further information:

The cash credit becomes a free credit

Repaying an old loan - it's that easy

Loan comparison - take out a loan quickly and cheaply

Apply for a loan

Article as PDF: Save with our low-cost redemption loan.pdf.


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