Kreditkarten Schulden - Kreditkarten zusammenfassen - Kreditkarten ablösen

Replace / consolidate credit cards

Are you tired of keeping track of multiple credit card instalments? We have the solution to simplify your finances and optimise your monthly payments! With our help, you can now consolidate and bundle your credit card payments and pay them off in one convenient monthly instalment.

Simplify your finances with credit card payment bundling:

If you have several credit cards and pay different instalments, this can lead to financial confusion. By bundling your credit card payments into a single loan, you can not only keep an overview, but also benefit from more attractive conditions.

Wie funktioniert die Zusammenfassung Ihrer Kreditkarten Zahlungen?

By cancelling your credit card instalments and consolidating them into a single credit instalment, you not only create financial clarity, but also reduce your monthly costs. Our experts are on hand to help you through this process and ensure you get the best solutions for your individual financial situation.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Finanzielle Übersichtlichkeit:
    By summarising your credit card payments, you can keep track of your monthly expenditure.
  • More attractive conditions:
    With a single monthly instalment, we offer you better conditions that lead to greater financial ease.
  • Reduce monthly costs:
    Consolidation allows you to reduce your monthly costs, giving you extra money for other expenses or savings goals.

How can you act now?

Klicken Sie noch heute, um Ihre Kreditkartenzahlungen zu bündeln und in den Genuss einer einzigen bequemen monatlichen Rate zu kommen. Unser Team steht Ihnen zur Verfügung, um Sie durch den Prozess zu führen und Ihnen die besten Optionen für Ihre finanzielle Situation anzubieten.

NEWS: Credit cards Interest rates rise to up to 14%

Recently, some banks have recorded a significant increase in debt interest, particularly for late or incompletely paid credit card bills. This increase occurred after the federal government At the beginning of the year, the maximum interest rate cap was set at 14 per cent. angehoben hatte. Diese Veränderung wird von den Kreditkartenherausgebern genutzt, um höhere Zinssätze zu berechnen. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist Swisscard, die derzeit E-Mails mit dem Betreff «Änderung der Kreditkartenbeziehung» versendet. Kunden erfahren erst im letzten Abschnitt dieser Mitteilung, dass der Zinssatz ab April 2024 will rise from 13 to 14 per cent.

Similar adjustments can also be observed at other banks such as UBS, Coop and Cornèrcard (with Bonouscard). Customers can now expect an interest rate of 14 per cent in the second quarter, if they pay their credit card bill late or only partially compared to the previous amounts.

Credit card debt is like a snowball that keeps growing as it rolls. With high interest rates and low amortisation, they can quickly become a financial burden. It is therefore advisable to avoid them or pay them off as quickly as possible to ensure financial freedom.


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