Beware of dubious credit offers on the Internet

On the Internet, many temptations circulate, loans despite debt enforcement or loans without ZEK / SCHUFA, credit with foreign banks, etc..

Don't fall for these loan providers!

Bei diesen zweifelhaften Anbieter geht es nicht um die Finanzierung eines Kredites, sondern nur um das kassieren von hohen Gebühren. Diese ziehen den Leuten, die in Finanznöten stecken, auch noch das letzte Geld aus der Tasche!

Trotz Kleinkredit Gesetz (KKG), befinden sich noch immer diverse unseriöse Firmen im Internet. Schauen Sie sich deshalb solche zweifelhafte Anbieter genau an! Und vor allem bezahlen Sie KEINE Gebühren! Meistens handelt es sich um Firmen die nur Finanzsanierungen anbieten. Sie werden schnell merken, dass es sich nur um illegale Verlockungen und Versprechen handelt.  Die meisten Kreditfirmen die solche Lockangebote anpreisen, kommen aus dem Ausland, wie z. B. Deutschland, Österreich, England, Spanien usw. Für den einzelnen Kunden ist es unmöglich hier gerichtlich vorzugehen, da diese Firmen im Ausland tätig sind. Since 2003 it is strictly forbidden by the (KKG) law to charge additional fees for a loan to the customer. 


We list the most common tricks used by loan rip-off artists:


Financial restructuring
Consumers in need of money grasp at any straw. Even unconditional credit offers à la "We don't turn anyone down!", "With us you get credit - even without a credit check." seem tempting. But beware, this is a trap.

Für Verbraucher in Finanzöten sind solche Offerten von Kreditvermittlern oft die letzte Hoffnung.  Doch in Wirklichkeit verbirgt sich dahinter eine Falle: „Statt des erhofften Geldsegens bekommen Kunden eine Rechnung zugeschickt.“ Die finanzielle Not kann sich damit noch vergrößern. Der Grund: Instead of a loan brokerage, customers have ordered what is known as a fee-based financial restructuring. "This is no different than commercial debt counseling, but without any guarantee that the consumer's situation will improve.

Not even proof of activity would the financial rehabilitator have to provide to the customer. "This means that consumers are supposed to pay a bill without the alleged intermediary having to prove that he has provided the service owed.

Even if the financial worries are great: Customers shouldn't sign contracts they haven't read carefully, especially with promises like these. "In the contracts, the term 'Financial Restructuring' and the fee agreement often only in the small print, then you'd better leave it alone. Consumers should avoid offers where payment must be made in advance or cash on delivery is required.

Kredit ohne ZEK / SCHUFA
Did you know that all credit banks are obliged to report credit information to the ZEK and the Informationsstelle für Konsumkredit (IKO)? If you are promised a loan without a credit check or without ZEK, it is very likely that a fraudster is behind it.

Credit despite debt collection
A second attempt at enticement often goes via debt collection. On the Internet, loans are offered and promised despite debt collection. If you have debt collection, you are usually not considered creditworthy. Read our blog post "Can I get a loan with open debt collection?".

Ein Kredit Vermittler verdient an der Provision die von der Bank erstattet wird und nicht an den Bearbeitungsgebühren. Zum Schutz des Konsumenten müssen sämtliche Gebühren in den Kreditzins einberechnet werden. Dennoch verlangen Kreditbetrüger im Internet Netzwerken zuerst eine Vorauszahlung, um überhaupt die Vertragsdokumente zu senden. Falls Gebühren ein verlangt werden, handelt es sich um nicht seriöse Kreditgeber.

Forwarding to 0900 number
Dubious companies promise cheap instant loans. Prospective customers have to call an expensive 0900 number and are then stalled for hours. But behind this is a cost trap that will cost you dearly.

Instant loans
With an empty promise remains also the instant credit. So that customers can go through the whole thing again, the law states (KKG) that the small loan may only be paid out after 14 days. So it is impossible to dispose of the money immediately.

Unrealistic interest rate offers
Wirbt ein Vermittler mit niedrigen Zinsen so sollten Sie dies konsequent ignorieren! In der Schweiz liegt der tiefste Kredit-Zinssatz von 5.9% bis höchstens 15 %.

Foreign banks/intermediaries
Check with the (Commercial Register) whether the bank/broker that promises you a small loan is also registered. If the company has an address in Switzerland, this does not mean that the company is registered in the commercial register. We recommend that you check the companies in the to be checked. Foreign banks/brokers without a banking licence are not permitted to grant consumer credit in Switzerland.

Imprint / General Terms and Conditions
In den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingung / Impressum finden Sie nähere Angaben über die Tätigkeit des Kreditanbieters. Und siehe da, es sind keine Kreditanbieter und und schon gar keine Vermittler, sondern diese stellen nur Informationen zur Verfügung!

Example excerpt general terms and conditions:
The information provided on the respective providers comes exclusively from the respective providers and is provided without guarantee for their content and the resulting information and calculations. The operator of this website is not a credit institution or credit broker. It merely provides information on the subject of financial restructuring and loans and offers the opportunity to compare various providers, offers, financial restructuring variants with each other.

Fixed office address and telephone number
Seit einem Jahr ist jede Firma die eine Internetseite führt, verpflichtet ein Impressum, auf der Seite, auszuweisen. Das Impressum zeigt ob es sich um eine seriöse Firma handelt oder nicht. Ersichtlich sollte die feste Büroadresse, Telefonnummer und die Handelsregisternummer sein. Trauen Sie keiner Internetseite die weder Handelsregisternummer, Adresse noch Telefonnummer ausweist. Achtung finden sie nur eine Natel Nummer, raten wir Ihnen auch davon ab, sich an die Firma zu wenden.

Incompetent staff
A credit broker should have well-trained staff, with impeccable written and spoken German. It doesn't hurt to call a provider to get a feel for who is behind a supposedly reputable website.


In the case of debt: Contact a cantonal counselling centre

  • Avoid debt rehabilitators who advertise in newspapers or send junk mail to homes
  • People with money problems should also be extremely careful with offers on the Internet.
  • Never make an upfront payment when you receive an offer to reorganize debt or arrange a loan
  • Never call credit brokers who can only be reached via an expensive 0900 number
  • If you have debt problems, contact one of the cantonal debt counselling centres.


Addresses of reputable debt counselling centres


Financial restructuring is NOT a loan!

You can't make a buck off a buck!

The financial restructuring contracts offered by the companies do not involve the disbursement of a loan amount, but only the restructuring of already existing debts (debt settlement). A financial restructuring company tries to agree on payment relief in talks with the creditors. Many consumers understand the term financial restructuring to mean the arrangement of a loan, and therefore sign the contracts sent to them.


Link to the Complaint Center Switzerland: Private loans: How to recognise fraudsters

Link to the Ktipp article: Credit swindlers rip off consumers in rows - 2019

Apply for a loan


Save article as PDF: Beware of dubious credit offers on the Internet.pdf 


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